
Keep it simple

How to export Apex Code Coverage

Topic Use SalesforceXytoolsForSublime To Export Apex Code Coverage Export Apex Code Coverage Environment Make sure you can login your sfdc. Test it : SFDC-XY > Login SFDC...

Salesforce package.xml Auto Builder

Topic Use SalesforceXytoolsForSublime To Build package.xml There are 2 ways to build package.xml Build From SFDC API. Use local file to build package.xml. Build package.xml...

Use SalesforceXytoolsForSublime Salesforce Deploy Package

Topic Use SalesforceXytoolsForSublime To Build Salesforce Deploy Package Example Example, Open Account.object,Blog.page,BlogController.cls,Blog__c.object in Sublime Sublime-Menu : SFDC...

Export Sfdc Sobject Schema To Excel

Topic Use SalesforceXytoolsForSublime To Config Dataloader and backup sfdc sobject data. Export Sfdc Sobject Schema To Excel. Environment Make sure you can login your sfdc. T...

Auto config salesforce ant-migration-tools and Backup Metadata

Topic Use SalesforceXytoolsForSublime To Config ant-migration-tools and backup metadata. Auto config ant-migration-tools. Backup all salesforce metadata in one click. You do not n...

Auto config salesforce ant-dataloader and Backup Sobject Data

Topic Use SalesforceXytoolsForSublime To Config Dataloader and backup sfdc sobject data. Auto config dataloader. Backup salesforce sobject data. Environment Set up your j...

Run sfdc soql, apex script, tooling api

Topic Use SalesforceXytoolsForSublime Run soql query Run apex script Run tooling query Environment Make sure you can login your sfdc. Test it : SFDC-XY > Login SF...

Export Sobject to Excel and Search Sobject

Topic Use SalesforceXytoolsForSublime To Build Salesforce Deploy Package Search sobject and view data Export Sobject Schema To Excel. Environment Make sure you can login...

Use SalesforceXytoolsForSublime to develop SFDC

Topic Use SalesforceXytoolsForSublime to develope sfdc create/update/delete/refresh local file : ApexClass, ApexTrigger, ApexPage, ApexComponent Diff between localhost and server ...

How to Config SalesforceXytoolsForSublime

How to Config SalesforceXytoolsForSublime New Project Config Project Project Setting > Project Config Wizard Select Sandbox Or Product Input your username Input your password ...

How to Install SalesforceXytoolsForSublime

SalesforceXytoolsForSublime SalesforceXytoolsForSublime is Rapid development tools for Salesforce Development. Create Salesforce Project, Retrieve Metadata, Search Metadata Crea...

Fermat's Last Theorem

费马大定理 费马大定理,也称费马最后定理(法语:Le dernier théorème de Fermat);(英语:Fermat’s Last Theorem),其概要为: \(当整数n>2时,关于 x,y,z的不定方程\\ x^n + y^n = z^n\\ 没有正整数解\) 以上陈述由17世纪法国数学家费马提出,一直被称为“费马猜想”,直到英国数学家安德鲁·怀尔斯(Andre...

微积分入门导数 Indeterminate - 0 divided by 0

Overview Derivative导数是啥 Indeterminate forms不定型 通过洛必达法则L'Hôpital's rule 计算各种导数不过就是各种Indeterminate forms不定型 的导数 基本导数公式 Derivative and 0 divided by 0 Derivative 导数 的最基本定义如图所示- 切线。 \(不定型\f...

Riemann Zeta Function

\[1+2+3+4+... = -\frac{1}{12}\]

one examination questions from Tokyo Institute of Technology

Overview I will talk about one examination questions from Tokyo Institute of Technology (東京工業大学) OA exam. Extra Analysis : About Floyd, DP( Dynamic programming) 試験問題 Tokyo Institute of...

lightning ui

lightning-ui lightning-ui is base on bootstrap3.3 and slds. You can use it on your python/nodejs/ruby/java/dotnet project. I build salesforcexytools.heroku.com by using Python(Flask) and this ligh...

Maths KeyWords

words Indeterminate 不定 divided 除 calculus 微积分学 derivative 微分 integral 积分 ...

Hexo memo

Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub. Q...

Salesforce batch feture queueable

batch The default timeout is 10 seconds. A custom timeout can be defined for each callout. The minimum is 1 millisecond and the maximum is 120,000 milliseconds. See the examples in the next section...

Salesforce WebToLead Error

Will Duplicate Matching Rules block web-to-lead submissions? Knowledge Article Number 000212677 Description Do Duplicate Matching Rules block Web-to-Lead submissions when the rule is set to Allow ...

Salesforce Dataloader Exception

summary please exclude salesforce object below: AttachedContentDocument ContractStatus SolutionStatus TaskPriority NoteAndAttachment FolderedContentDocument TaskStatus ContentFold...

Docker Setup

Docker的安装和卸载 Docker的version 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 hellodocker>docker version Client: Version: 17.06.2-ce API version: 1.30 Go version: go1.8.3 Git commit: cec0...

Salesforce DMLOptions.DuplicateRuleHeader クラス

次の例は、重複と識別された取引先レコードを保存する方法を示します。重複エラーを反復処理する方法についての詳細は、「DuplicateError クラス」を参照してください。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Database.DMLOptions dml = new Database.DMLOptions(); dml.DuplicateRuleHeader.allowSave = true...

Salesforce searchable field

オブジェクトで検索可能な項目 オブジェクトで検索可能な項目

How is the default java heap size determined?

command 1 java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | grep HeapSize -Xmx is in MaxHeapSize, -Xms is in InitialHeapSize. Filter your output (e.g. |grep on linux) or save it in a file so you can search ...

Centos Env Install

python Centos7でのpython入れ替えメモ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 # cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core) # yum install -y https://centos7.iuscommunity.org/ius-release....

Salesforce Report Parameter

# サンプルで言うと https://.salesforce.com/?pc0=OPPORTUNITY_NAME&pn0=co&pv0=Salesforce の部分です。 もっと言うと上記のようなフルパスではなく、相対パスで書けばインスタンス名を気にする必要がなくなるので、そちらをお勧めします。 相対パスは下記のようにsalesforce.com以降から書きます。 /?p...

Salesforce Web To Lead リードの「取引の開始」時にトリガを実行する方法

Introduce リード(Lead)オブジェクトの「取引の開始」を実行すると リードの色々な項目の情報を引き継いで新たに取引先(Account)、取引先責任者(Contact)、商談(Opportunity)が作成される。 このとき、 特定のカスタム項目の値を作成されたオブジェクトのどこかに引き継ぎたい! という要求はリードのカスタム項目の対応付けによって実現ができそうだけど、 リー...

Salesforce Apex Database.Stateful

Database.Stateful を使うと、データの内容を保持した状態でバッチが走らせられた apexでバッチを走らせる場合は、デフォルトでの200件ごとに処理を走らせる場合が多いけれれど、 その時に処理の中でカウントアップしたデータを次の処理に引き継ぎたかった。 結論から言うと、 Database.Stateful を使うと、データの内容を保持した状態でバッチが走らせられた。 具体的には...

Salesforce Selecting compound data not supported in Bulk Query

There isn’t much out there on this error. Before doing any data update, I like to export the target object’s full data set as a precaution. My tool of choice is workbench but sometimes it can be ...